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Eagle Aligners

Your Path to a Confident Smile 

At Eagle River Orthodontics, we take pride in offering our patients a state-of-the-art teeth alignment solution: Eagle Aligners. We proudly partner with the ULab Design System to craft these cutting-edge aligners. The collaboration ensures a seamless blend of aesthetics, functionality, and precision. Together, we’re committed to creating smiles that inspire confidence and transform lives. These aligners share similarities with the many clear aligner treatment systems, but with a personalized touch. Here’s what sets Eagle Aligners apart:

In-House Precision

Unlike traditional aligners, where tracking is often outsourced, Drs. DeKay personally oversee every step of your treatment. With Eagle Aligners, we directly plan and monitor tooth movement, ensuring the most accurate care. Eagle Aligners are also created in house by our lab assistants, allowing for quick turnaround time for aligner delivery as well as allowing for modifications that may be needed on the trays. 

Gradual Transformation 

Eagle Aligners consist of custom-made, transparent trays that fit snugly in your mouth that gently nudges your teeth into alignment. Additional attachments or buttons may be necesary to ensure tooth movement. Regular check-ins with us verify progress with your treatment and allow us to make any adjustments as needed.

Clear and Comfortable 

We prioritize your comfort and convenience. Eagle Aligners are virtually invisible making eating, brushing, and special occasions hassle-free and allowing you to go about your daily activities without hesitation. 

For personalized advice and to explore if Eagle Aligners are right for you, schedule a consultation with our experienced team today!